The Torch of Rock and Roll




Tim Steinruck


Music Video

The Torch of Rock and Roll

Rock & roll ain’t dead… keep it burning!

It’s always a pleasure to collaborate with our good ol’ friend, life coach and spiritual mentor, Tim Steinruck. Working on TOR (Torch of Rock and Roll) was an incredible experience. Our creative director, Kenji Rodriguez, and Tim worked on this project together while training for the Ironman. Cold water lake therapies in the middle of winter, mountain bike rides in the darkness of the early morning, wildlife sightseeing in BC’s beautiful forests… Inspiration was everywhere and we couldn’t thank Tim and The Mighty One enough for this amazing adventure.

The Torch of Rock and Roll tells the story of a farm boy (Tim) who falls in love with KISS. He eventually leaves his countryside life and follows his dream of playing rock and roll in a band. This band caught the eye of Paul Stanley (yes, THE Paul Stanley) and they signed a million dollar record deal. Things were getting real.

Unfortunately, the band didn’t match the label’s expectations, and the contract (and everything it entailed) was cancelled. Tim’s dreams were shattered to pieces. The band broke apart, leaving Tim in the darkness.

Until he found his light. His own voice roaring louder than ever, now as the lead singer of a new rock & roll era. His fire within burning through his music and to the world. Keep it burning, Tim!
